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Sports Equipment and Terminology

The height above sea level, and the humidity in the air, affect the flight of the shuttlecock. If the feathers are too dry, the shuttlecock can undergo speed wobbles or fly too slow. If the feathers are too wet, the shuttle will go too fast.Getting the balance is important, and for this reason the humidification box was designed.

Shuttlecock Weight, Type, Speed, All You Need To Know


  • However, his fastest serve ever (250 km/h at the 2012 Rogers Cup) is only the fifth-fastest of all time.
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  • When a shuttle falls, its head first touches the ground, which is a valid shot.
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  • Depending upon the quality, there is the use of cork or other synthetic materials for the base of the shuttlecock.
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  • As beginners are going through the initial stage of the development of badminton skills, there is a high possibility of wrong hits which may damage the fragile feather shuttle.
  • These shuttlecocks are suitable for recreational players and beginners who are still developing their skills.
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  • BWF has combined forces with Yonex as they look to manufacture a synthetic edition of shuttlecocks which was trialled at three international tournaments in 2019.
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One of Canada’s top doubles players, Phyllis Chan has won three straight national titles with Alex Bruce since 2013. Now, let’s move on to the concept that allows shuttlecocks to fly—aerodynamics. For testing a shuttle for the right speed, you have to hit it in an upward direction parallel to the sideline over the back boundary line of the court. For correct speed, a shuttle should land within 530 mm – 930 mm short of the opposite back boundary line.

Why shuttlecock is important in badminton?

To give the look and feel, a thin white layer of leather covers the round-shaped cock. For the skirt, feathers of the left wings of gooses or ducks (considered low quality) are used. There is also some use of the right-wing feathers, but for a shuttle, only feathers from the same wing (left or right) are considered to conform to the flight characteristics. They are used by intermediate and advance/professional level players. Moreover, they are not used by beginner-level players as the feather shuttles are brittle and break easily.


How to make a feather shuttle last longer?


However, in more formal or competitive badminton contexts, players and officials may use the term “shuttlecock” or simply “shuttle” to refer to the projectile used in the game. Feather shuttles use the natural feathers of goose as a skirt material. Feathers of 16 numbers are sequenced one after another and fixed in the base made of cork with the help of glue. To strengthen the stability further, two threads are used for fastening feathers.

To get the best result for speed, spin, and flight, 16 goose feathers are tied in a conical shape visit this web-site to form a shuttlecock. Apart from feathers, synthetic materials (Nylon/ Plastic) are also used as a skirt material to enhance the durability of a shuttlecock. I am a passionate badminton player and have played badminton till the university level. And the type of shuttlecock we used didn’t matter either; any playable shuttlecock was enough to keep the game going.

